To provide more definitive guidelines for the CSRESP, component policies are provided for the following areas:
As an expression of the commitment of the National Power Corporation (NPC) to meet its corporate social responsibilities and pursue environmental stewardship, NPC shall implement an environmental excellence program which will become an integral part of its sound business strategies, practices, and policies in order to meet the competitive challenges facing the Corporation. NPC will provide its customers with safe, reliable, and responsive service in an environmentally sensitive and responsible manner. NPC believes that sound environmental policy contributes to competitive strength and benefits its customers, employees, and the country by contributing to the overall well-being and economic health of the customers and communities it serves. NPC pledges its commitment to continuous efforts towards the improvement of environmental performance in accordance to environmental excellence principles/standards.
As an expression of the commitment of the National Power Corporation (NPC) to meet its corporate social responsibilities and pursue environmental stewardship, NPC shall implement an integrated and sustained approach for watershed management. The watershed reservations shall be managed, conserved, protected and developed to promote national security and public interest with the active participation of the stakeholders in the watershed areas and host communities. The general strategies shall include the integration of environmental considerations in decision making, proper resource pricing, and conservation of biodiversity, rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems, human resources development, and promotion of environmental education and strengthening of citizens’ involvement. NPC shall also develop and implement comprehensive, computer-based programs to support the efficient management of watershed areas.
As an expression of the commitment of the National Power Corporation (NPC) to meet its corporate social responsibilities and pursue environmental stewardship, NPC shall implement a proactive program in social and community development aimed at providing fair and adequate compensation for the resultant disruption of the lives, property and livelihood of people and communities affected by its projects and operations, including power plants, watershed reservations and right-of-way. NPC will provide livelihood alternatives, and cultivate self-sufficiency and selfreliance in the communities affected by its operations. NPC will develop plans and procedures to facilitate the processing and release of benefits to host communities and develop long-term strategies to maximize the value of its resettlement and compensation programs. NPC will develop and implement comprehensive, computerized programs to monitor and analyze the impacts of its operations and its contributions to the long-term economic and social well-being of host communities and the surrounding areas.
As an expression of the commitment of the National Power Corporation (NPC) to meet its corporate social responsibilities and pursue environmental stewardship, NPC shall implement a proactive program to protect the health and ensure the safety of its workers and the public within its corporate facilities. NPC will develop and implement plans and procedures to identify and minimize the health and safety risks to its workers and the public during the construction and operation of its power plants, transmission lines and other facilities. NPC will monitor and evaluate occupational health of its workforce by undertaking a continuing program to conduct periodic assessments of the occurrence of occupational-related diseases, disabilities, accidents and deaths in its workforce. NPC will develop and maintain a comprehensive, computerized database for the identification and analysis of occupational-related information for further development and enhancement of its health and safety programs.
As an expression of the commitment of the National Power Corporation (NPC) to meet its corporate social responsibilities and pursue environmental stewardship, NPC shall develop and implement an effective and proactive contingency planning and management program directed at containing or limiting environmental, public and worker health and safety risks. NPC will address and devote attention to contingencies commensurate with the degree of risk its operation entails. In addition, NPC will identify and minimize the key threats to the Corporation which can result in loss of service to its customers and reduction of its revenue potential arising from natural, accidental and deliberate emergencies. NPC will address all emergencies which have the potential of preventing the Corporation and its facilities from achieving its mission or imperil its business. NPC will develop and maintain a comprehensive computerized database to monitor and analyze the environmental risks and contingencies.
As an expression of the commitment of the National Power Corporation (NPC) to meet its corporate social responsibilities and pursue environmental stewardship, NPC shall implement a proactive public involvement program, whose philosophy shall be based on an ethical commitment to public participation and on a genuine and sincere concern for the people welfare. Public involvement programs shall aim at reconciling the vast differences of opinion and conflicting needs of various stakeholders and developing the necessary public support for NPC operations and projects.